Friday, September 21, 2007

THE QUEEN’S CHRONICLES: Home again, Home Again Jiggedy Jog

Dear everyone,

Great Goddess greetings from Exotic Brooklyn!

After years of urging by my readers as well as by participants in my ceremonial circles, the long-procrastinated day has finally arrived for me to step up to the blog.

This is a great time to start documenting the magical mystery tour that is my life. The Queen’s Chronicles will share the adventures and enterprises of The Queen of My Self as I travel along the path of my passion, my purpose, and my power — what I call “being on the miracle trail.”

I have just arrived back home from two splendid, magic-filled weeks in Goddess Land. Words can barely express my wonder and delight. The entire experience in England and Wales more than exceeded my very high hopes. I am renewed, inspired, centered, and empowered by the strength of my own spirituality.

Many of you have asked me to share my experiences and I shall. Here below, is a short report about the International Goddess Conference in Glastonbury, England where I was a keynote speaker and workshop presenter. Here is the first installment, to be followed by a spiritual travelogue of the holy sites that I visited in Glastonbury as well as in Wales. That is, IF I can find adequate words to trancemit the intimacy, the intensity, the sheer exuberance of this very special time!

For now,

Best blessings,

xxQueen Mama Donna


My hostess in Glastonbury was a delight. We bonded immediately and the week I spent under her glorious B&B roof and in her delightful gardens was a perfect blend of comfort, hospitality, restoration, aesthetic glory, and jolly conviviality. Thanks for everything, Fay Hutchcroft.

The Goddess conference was attended by about 250 gorgeous women and several equally lovely men. Devout Goddess worshippers, all. The attendees were from everywhere in the UK, as well as Ireland, Australia, Argentina, Austria, France, Italy, India, Canada, and the United States - New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Colorado, California. And these are just those who I was able to have a conversation with. Who knows how many other places were represented?

Each day began with three or four keynote presentations to the entire gathered body. The afternoons were dedicated to a choice of 3-4 hour workshops, all dealing in some way with the Crone archetype of wisdom, darkness, decline, and death. And the evenings were given over to fabulous sacred pageantry, rich in visual and spiritual vision. The costumes, the decor, the profound words and moving music provided a tranceformative environment and hence, experience. Brava Kathy Jones, Impresario Supreme, and also to the sizzling spirited sisterhood of priestesses of the Goddess Temple of Glastonbury.

The presenters were all fascinating and quite skilled. The attendees were so open — eyes, ears, hearts, chakras, arms, voices — and so present in their participation. intent on absorbing the excellent energy. Everyone was immersed in the spirit, decked out in an amazing array of creative festive finery.

And the helpers, called “Melissas,” were so very, very helpful. Several of these Busy Bee Goddesses took me under their wings and helped me to do whatever I needed to do. Thank you so much. You know who you are! And a special shout out to the inimitable Jennifer Cooper and Nicky who handled the selling of my books — one less thing for me to think about — and a grand excuse to hang out with them.

I was honored to offer a presentation on my new archetype of the Full Spirited Four Fold Goddess and Her correspondences to the four elements, four seasons and directions, four quarters of the moon, and four stages of a woman's life: the Maiden, the Mother, The Queen, and the Crone. The response was stunning. There was an overwhelming enthusiasm from everyone there expressed through laughter, cheers, and heartfelt hugs of gratitude. “Of course! A Queen and not a Crone! Aha! Makes sense! It is about time!”

I also facilitated two workshops, one for a full day and the other for an afternoon. In all, 42 women went through the heady process of naming, claiming and proclaiming their sovereignty and were crowned as Queens of themselves.

Then on the penultimate day of the conference there was a huge ceremony to crown all the Crones and all the Queens. About ten women and two men chose to cover themselves with the mantle of the Crone or in the case of the men, the Sage. What Nearly 70 women declared themselves Queens including two septuagenarians and a 90-year old! What an affirmation of the Queen and the Four Fold Goddess. I was stunned to the bone and thrilled beyond measure!

What a confirmation of my invented new archetype! The creation of The Queen of My Self involved not only years of research, but also some serious soul searching and dogged instinct following. All of which led me to an authentic truth, widely shared, relevant, resonant, and thankfully warmly embraced.

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally
transform one million realities.
—Maya Angelou

Long live the Queens!

To be continued...

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