Friday, October 5, 2007

The Queen’s Chronicles: WELSH SPIRIT SITES

Even though my trip to Wales was two months ago, I feel compelled to complete the report of what I saw and felt. This is partly to share my amazing experiences and partly to savor and luxuriate in them once more before I am completely swept away by my current involvements and these precious memories begin to fade.

I went to Wales to try to glimpse a past life that a seer had told me that I had had there and also to see the spirit sites. Although I felt exceedingly comfortable and at home in Wales, I did not experience any intense déjà vu moments. I did not recognize any particular person, place or thing, but everything seemed very familiar to me and many people thought that I was Welsh.

This trip was largely about rocks. I had already made several trips to visit the famous standing stone sites in England, Scotland, and Brittany was looking for more amazing megalithic monuments. And I found them! — with a little help from my far flung email friends who sent me many suggestions to pursue.

First stop, Tintern Abbey. These stone ruins are quite impressive. The grounds are extensive and there are many sections of pathways, walls, arches, chimneys, and courtyards scattered about.

The main cathedral is roofless and floorless, but, by far, the best-preserved abbey ruins that I saw anywhere. Light filtered in through sweeping windowless arches. Birds flew about overhead. The grass inside was a vivid green, thick and soft. The energy was serene and embracing. This is a place to exhale. To release pent up stress and let go of all residual tension. A place of peace.

Even thought the megalithic stone sites are marked on the maps, they are not marked on the roads, so the search for them was truly a magical mystery tour, following the directions of locals and my own instinct. Allowing the stones to pull me in to their world.

The map showed a stone site in the Wye Valley. When we got to the village indicated, I asked directions from an old man who was raking the graves in the churchyard. He was stone deaf, but with some shouting and lots of gesturing, he understood my request and gave me great directions.

And just where he said they would be in the middle of a field hidden behind hedges, were the Three Stones of Trellich. Those three crone stones were just standing patiently where they have stood for millennia, each one leaning toward the others. I was particularly drawn to the middle one and stood with my entire body against her length, my face resting against her surface, which was rough with lichens. She towered over me and emitted a great heat that1 was healing in the extreme.

That was a great site, hidden from the world. No tourists. No people at all. Just the sky and earth and stones. Just steady ancient energy, and a feeling of being weighted, rooted, connected to what really matters.

To be continued…

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