Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Queen’s Chronicles: HARVESTS OF GRATITUDE

To all my dear ones,

When the going is good and the living is easy it seems only natural to be thankful. But what about all those times when nothing seems to flow? When energy is blocked and life flows like a river of glue.

When we are stuck in the rush hour traffic jam of dailiness and our bodies and souls start to feel like banged up bumper cars? When things seem so crazy and out of whack that we wonder what do we have to be thankful for?

“Well,” as my dear friend Daile once wisely and calmly commented in the midst of a work disaster that would normally have driven her mad, “at least nobody died.” That's it, exactly. Perspective.

The trick is to be able to maintain a healthy perspective. If we can manage to do that, we will automatically enjoy a perpetual attitude of gratitude.

People who have themselves been ill and those who caretake others have earned a certain understanding of this point of view. Everything is relative (in both senses of that word). For most of us, though, it is a daily, hourly, minutely learned lesson — one that we tend to forget in the flurry.

Here is a moving meditation to help us remember:

Take a walk someplace nice. Alone.

With each step you take, name one good thing that you have in your life. Say this aloud or silently.

My health.
My love.
My dog.
My network of circles.
The clouds.
The beautiful moon.
A new friend.
That certain memory.
Not knowing war.
A secure home.
Two feet.
My heart, my soul, my spirit.

The list is endless.

Gratitude boundless.

Thank Goodness!

I am especially thankful for all the heartwarming support you showed me this year and expressed in so many wonderful ways. You bought my books. Thank you. You came to my workshops. Thank you. You forwarded my messages to your own circles of friends and family. Thank you. You wrote me amazing letters filled with spirit and soul. Thank you.

I would have to walk the entire length of the Great Wall of China in order to name each great gift that I received from you. Thank you all so, so much.

With bountiful blessings of fulfillment and peace,

xxQueen Mama Donna

1 comment:

MeowGoddess said...

Dear Queen Mama Donna,

Thank you for such a beautiful post.

So true about perspective. Everything is relative.

And thank you for this wonderful moving meditation. Off to try it on my morning walk.

Wishing you,
Peace & love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana